A new round of open calls for funding joint next generation internet (NGI) advancements between United States (US) and European Union (EU) researchers and innovators will be launched by the new EU-funded project NGI TRANSOCEANIC.
Three open calls are planned to be launched between 2024 until 2027 for funding technology development, demonstrators and standards contributions specifically on trust and privacy enhancing technologies, data sharing and portability, sustainable and climate-friendly internet, electronic identities, internet architecture renovation, and decentralised technologies. Each open call cycle is planned to last for 18 months.
NGI TRANSOCEANIC aims to fund at least 21 projects, each averaging around €150,000, through funding from the European Commission’s NGI programme and the US National Science Foundation’s (NSF) internet programmes. Selection will be based on a clearly established selection criteria. The open calls will be implemented through a transparent and efficient process utilising an already developed mature, field-tested cascading grants management platform and digital processes with oversight from an independent External Pool of Evaluators.
Once a proposal has been selected for funding, a continuous monitoring activity of the funded projects is implemented and their results and impact will be presented through showcase events.
To support the open calls, the EU-US Twinning Lab developed by NGIAtlantic.eu will be leveraged and expanded further to allow prospective EU and US grantees to find one another and collaborate on proposals for the open calls. More functionalities providing better usability will be implemented and the Twinning Lab will be upgraded to take the new funding topics into account.
Overall, the calls are expected to strengthen cooperation between the EU and the US in NGI activities – creating an “Internet of Trust” that responds to people’s fundamental needs, including trust, security, and inclusion, while reflecting the values and the norms that all citizens enjoy in Europe.
Speaking on the project’s launch, Project Coordinator James Clarke (SETU) said, “NGI TRANSOCEANIC is a very ambitious 4 year programme facilitating twinning and networking activities, organisation of 3 longer term EU - USA open calls, selection and funding collaborative projects in which NGI innovators will team up and fulfil high impact transatlantic projects between EU and USA teams.”
NGI TRANSOCEANIC continues the legacy of the NGIAtlantic.eu project where a strong and consolidated EU and US ecosystem has been created with 35 funded projects funded on NGI topics, and established a channel for continuous dialogue among the actors involved in the US and EU research and innovation programmes.
The project is coordinated by the South East Technological University (SETU) and implemented by a consortium including Trust-IT Services (Trust-IT), COMMpla and the European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications (EURESCOM). US based associated partners of the project include Rutgers University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The NGI TRANSOCEANIC project was launched amidst efforts towards even stronger trans-Atlantic collaborations, including with Canada. As highlighted in a joint statement that followed a meeting between EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton and Canada Innovation, Science and Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne on 1 February 2024 about the implementation of the EU-Canada Digital Partnership, EU and Canada will also collaborate on ensuring transparency, fairness and accountability of online platforms and make the internet a safer and more inclusive place for users as well as promote interoperability in the areas of digital identity, digital credentials and trust services, among others.